You are here: Manufacturing Roll Forming System

6. Manufacturing (Roll Forming) System


List of Amendments


Description of change

Manual section updated

June 2019

Added a note that certain users can be given the ability to amend item numbers and order quantities on order lines

"Entering MRF Order Lines"

August 2016

Removed all Debtor master files screens and tabs and referred instead to the Debtor master file in the Distribution System manual

"File - Debtor"

August 2016

Removed all Inventory master files screens and tabs and referred instead to the Inventory master file in the Distribution System manual

"File - Inventory"

August 2016

Removed all debtor inquiries and referred instead to the same inquiries in the Distribution System manual

"Sales Desk Inquiries - Debtor"

August 2016

Removed all item inquiries and referred instead to the same inquiries in the Distribution System manual

"Sales Desk Inquiries - Inventory"

March 2016

Added the Ignore Item Status Warnings field to the Get Contract screen when loading debtor contracts into a sales order (2.8 feature)

"MRF Order Creation - Contracts - Load Contract"

March 2016

Added the User Inq Cost row to the Enter GP Percentage screen so that users can see the values for the cost price that their user ID is set to when repricing an MRF order (2.8 feature)

"MRF Order Creation - Edit - Reprice Invoice"

August 2015

Updated the procedure for removing marked coils

"Removing Marked Coils"

March 2015

Added an authorisation screen which is displayed to users who do not have the required security to reprice sales orders

"MRF Order Creation - Edit - Reprice Invoice"

March 2015

Added a note about what happens to sales order pricing and discounts when you change the debtor on a sales order with existing lines, depending on your user security

"Maintaining the MRF Order Header"

December 2014

Updated MRF order process with payment procedures

"MRF Order Creation - File - Invoice"

"Processing Order Payments"

November 2014

Documented the GROUPING menu on the Job Card Completion screen; added new UNALLOCATED option (2.8 feature)

"Selecting the Customer Job Card to be Completed"

"Allocating from Coil Stock - All"

October 2014

Added procedure overview for MRF order process

"MRF Order Creation Overview"

April 2014

Removed all MAINTENANCE menu options that are also found in the Distribution system and referred to the Distribution options instead

"MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance"

August 2013

Added Plant master file to MRF

"File - Plant Entry"

August 2013

Added Employee master file to MRF

"File - Employee"

May 2013

Added information for Quote Report by Sales Rep Range

"Quotes by Sales Representative"

May 2013

Updated all allocation screens and text to show that the Operator field has now been replaced with the Employee field which references the Employee master file

"Allocating Materials to a Job Card"

"Allocating By-Products of a Job"

"Allocating Stock to Store Cards"

February 2013

Added information on drawing from off-cuts when there is a shortfall in prime coil stock

"Allocating from Coil Stock - Prime"

"Allocating a Shortfall from Offcuts"

February 2013

Updated procedures for completing job and store cards

"Production - Complete Job Tickets"

February 2013

Added information on new menu option - PRODUCTION | BREAK COIL STRAP

"Production - Break Coil Strap"

May 2012

Updated section on coil slitting

"File - Slit Coils"

May 2012

Moved section on managing stock sizes in MRF from Quick Start Guides into this user manual

"Managing Stock Sizes"

February 2012

Reorganised Introduction to MRF, moving marketing information into the Welcome to Micronet manual and removing redundant information

"Introduction to Micronet Manufacturing (Roll Forming) System"

December 2011

Updated information on processing MRF orders and quotes

"Sales – Order Entry"

November 2011

Added information on user reports

"Reports - User Reports"

September 2011

Added information on MRF reports


April 2011

Added information on individual sales desk inquiries

"Sales - Sales Desk Inquiries"

April 2011

Shortened section on setting up and configuring MRF by cross-referencing to appropriate screens

"Setting up and Configuring MRF"

November 2010

Addition of temporary items during order creation

"Enter Order Line - Creating Temporary Items"